Clients FAQ

I can’t login to my account.
  • Confirm that you are onthe correct Website (www.cqnadvantage.com)
  • If you know your username and e-mail, click on ‘Forgot Password’
  • If you do not know your username or e-mail used, please contact the Help Desk
I need to login to the account, but I don’t have a login
  • If another Individual set up the account, contact them to add you.
  • If none of the Administrators are still with the company, please send us an e-mail confirming that and request to be added.
How do I send a Contractor an Access Code?
  • Hover over the ‘Contractors’ Tab and when the menu appears, click on ‘Manage Access Codes’. Please note that only Administrators have the ability to Generate Access Codes.
  • When the new page loads, click on ‘Click here to create a new Access Code’
  • Complete the required fields and click ‘Create and Send Access Code’
How do I know if a Contractor has usedan Access Code that we sent them?
  • Hover over the ‘Contractors’ Tab and when the menu appears, click on ‘Manage Access Codes’
  • When the new page loads, a list with all Contractors who you have generated Access Codes will appear. The ‘Status’ column will advise as to if the Contractor has used the Access Code or not.
How do I create a new Template?
  • Hover over the ‘Contractors’ Tab and when the menu appears, click on ‘Manage Templates’
  • When the new page loads, click on ‘Click here to create a new Template’
  • Fill out all required fields, and click ‘Add Template’
How do I change the name of a Template I already created?
  • On the ‘Manage Templates’ page, find the Template you would like to change and click on ‘Edit this Template’ from the options on the right hand side.
  • To allow additional Owner Clients to see your data, they will need to send you an Access Code and you will have to enter it in ‘Access Codes’ from your ‘Account Home’ menu on the left.
How do I add Questions to a Template?
  • On the ‘Manage Templates’ page, find the Template you would like to change and click on ‘0 Questionnaire Questions’ from the options onthe right hand side. Alternatively you can select ‘Customize Questionnaire’ from the ‘Contractors’ tab.
  • When the new page loads, select your section,the page and then check the radio box to the left of each question you choose to add. At the bottom of the page, click ‘Save Changes to Template’. Repeat this for each Pageyou choose to add questions from.
How do I specify which documents I want attached to a Template?
  • On the ‘Manage Templates’ page, find the Template you would like to change and click on ‘Specify Documents’ from the options on the right hand side. Alternatively you can select ‘Specify Required Documents’ from the ‘Contractors’ tab.
  • When the new page loads, specify your questionnaire, Choose your document type from the drop down menu, enter any required parameters and click ‘Add to Required Documents’
How do I view my Contractors information?
  • Click on ‘My Contractors’ from the ‘Contractors’ Tab.
  • Your Contractors will appear in 1 of 3 tabs depending on how you have classified them, and how much of the process they have completed.
  • Click on the appropriate tab, when the list of Contractors appears you will see their Questionnaire Progress on the right.
  • Click on the Contractor nameto view their ‘Status’.
  • When the ‘Status’ page loads, you can choose to view their Questionnaire, Documents, CAM Report, Approval History, etc. from the menu on the left.
How do I use CAM?
  • Click on ‘Configure CAM Tool’ from the ‘Contractors’ tab.
  • When the new Page loads, select your template
  • Click the radio button to the left of each criteria option that you would like to use. Set applicable values and severity. Click ‘Save Configuration’.
  • To run the CAM Report, Click on ‘My Contractors’ from the ‘Contractors’ Tab.
  • Choose your desired Contractor, when the ‘Status’ page loads click on ‘CAM Report’ from the menu on the left.
  • A new page will load displaying the CAM Results on that specified Contractor.
  • You can choose the Contractors ‘Approval’ at the bottom of that page.

Please note that clicking on the CQN Advantage Logo in the top left corner at any time will bring you back to your ‘View Account Status’ Home page.

Contractor FAQ

I’m entering my Access Code but the system won’t accept it.
  • Access Codes can only be used once. Please makesure you, or anyone else has not already entered the Access Code and created the account.
  • If do not believe you have already used it, please e-mail or call the Help Desk with your Company Name and E-mail Address advising of this.
I can’t login to my account.
  • Confirm that you are onthe correct Website (www.cqnadvantage.com)
  • If you know your username and e-mail, click on ‘Forgot Password’
  • If you do not know your username or e-mail used, please contact the Help Desk
I need to login to the account, but I don’t have a login
  • If another Individual set up the account, contact them to add you.
  • If none of the Administrators are still with the company, please send us an e-mail confirming that and request to be added.
I signed in, but don’t know what to do from here
  • All required steps are listed on the ‘Home Page’. The sequence of activities is as follows: set your Services, Locations, Complete the Questionnaire and then upload the documents. All of these steps are accessible from both the ‘View Account Status’ home page and in the ‘Account Home’ menu on the left.
  • If you should require further Instructions or have any questions, please contact the Help Desk.
I’ve entered my WCB Stats numerous times, but it’s not saving.
  • If you’re just updating the information make sure to click on the edit button and then click the checkmark after entering the rates
  • The system will not accept a rate under $1, please make sure you are entering 0.00 even if the rate is under $1.
  • The Add New WCB button is ONLY for brand new WCB accounts
I don’t have any WCB or HSE History as I’m a new company
  • For HSE enter the #1 for your number of employees and number of hours for each previous year requested. This will show anyone looking at your account that it was not opened, without leaving the system blank
  • Enter your WCB # and Industry Code that you just received when you opened up your WCB account. Enter the #1 for the Industry Rate and the #1 for the Contractor Rate for all previous years requested.
How do I know what documents need to be updated / uploaded?
  • The system generates automatic e-mails to notify the Subscribers of expiring and expired documents. To make sure you’re set up to receive these e-mails login to your CQ Network Profile and click on ‘E-mail Preferences.
  • You also have the ability to view all documents uploaded to the profile by logging in and clicking on ‘Manage Documents’ or ‘Submit Documents’ from your ‘Account Home’ menu on the left
How do I upload my documents?
  • Click on ‘Manage Documents’ to upload documents to the general system (these documents will still need to be assigned to the respected Clients on the ‘Submit Documents’ page.
  • Click on ’Submit Documents and choose your Owner Client. When the list of requirements loads, click on each requirement to upload.
Who can see my information?
  • Only the Owner Clients that have issued you an Access Code can see your information.
  • To allow additional Owner Clients to see your data, they will need to send you an Access Code and you will have to enter it in ‘Access Codes’ from your ‘Account Home’ menu on the left.
I want to sync my questionnaire, but am unsure as to how.
  • Questionnaire Syncing is only available to current or previous members of the Traditional CQ Network website.
  • Click on either ‘Questionnaire syncing is off’ from the ‘View Account Status’ page, ‘Import Questionnaire Answers’ from their ‘Account Home’ menu on the left or ‘Questionnaire syncing is off’ from within their questionnaire.
  • You will then be asked to enter your login information from the account that they’re wishing to sync with. If you do not know it, contact the help desk.
  • After you enter your Login information, you will be given sync options. Make their selections and proceed. You will then receive a pop up advising that the sync is complete.

Please note that clicking on the CQN Advantage Logo in the top left corner at any time will bring you back to your ‘View Account Status’ Home page.