How do I use CAM?
- Click on ‘Configure CAM Tool’ from the ‘Contractors’ tab.
- When the new Page loads, select your template
- Click the radio button to the left of each criteria option that you would like to use. Set applicable values and severity. Click ‘Save Configuration’.
- To run the CAM Report, Click on ‘My Contractors’ from the ‘Contractors’ Tab.
- Choose your desired Contractor, when the ‘Status’ page loads click on ‘CAM Report’ from the menu on the left.
- A new page will load displaying the CAM Results on that specified Contractor.
- You can choose the Contractors ‘Approval’ at the bottom of that page.
Please note that clicking on the CQN Advantage Logo in the top left corner at any time will bring you back to your ‘View Account Status’ Home page.
I want to sync my questionnaire, but am unsure as to how.
- Questionnaire Syncing is only available to current or previous members of the Traditional CQ Network website.
- Click on either ‘Questionnaire syncing is off’ from the ‘View Account Status’ page, ‘Import Questionnaire Answers’ from their ‘Account Home’ menu on the left or ‘Questionnaire syncing is off’ from within their questionnaire.
- You will then be asked to enter your login information from the account that they’re wishing to sync with. If you do not know it, contact the help desk.
- After you enter your Login information, you will be given sync options. Make their selections and proceed. You will then receive a pop up advising that the sync is complete.
Please note that clicking on the CQN Advantage Logo in the top left corner at any time will bring you back to your ‘View Account Status’ Home page.